
Quora is a question and answer website.

Quora can be good in terms of gaining viewership, since for people who are not established as writers, it is much easier to be read on Quora than to attract readers to one’s own site. On the other hand, Quora is a third-party site that is not afraid of making radical decisions (for instance they eliminated private blogs), so it is always a good idea to backup one’s writings from there.

Christopher J. Su says:

I tend to lean towards publishing content on websites where people can actually read it. Apart from exercising writing skills, saving for future reference, or reflecting on something, I find there aren’t many other reasons to write content just for myself. Backing up content written on other websites is fairly trivial (especially if they have a public API, which unfortunately, Quora doesn’t [yet]). Quora keeps a log of all content history, so your content isn’t at risk of being lost forever as a result of editing. If Quora goes down, they’ll most likely give a month’s notice (at least), and in that timeframe before they shutdown for good, you should have enough time to grab your content and save it somewhere (when large content-based websites go down, people usually build export tools for them. For example, Posterous).

If you really want to play it safe, you can crosspost your longer Quora answers to your personal website. I’ve seen a few people do that (some even just post a link to their website/blog as their answer on Quora).